Seems like now a day’s everyone is speaking on the Inflation.....
How has the world changed in the 20th century….I almost spent some 15k in the last 30 days of my ps1…Each and every price has hiked…
Yesterday night I was going through the thesis written by J.C.Kumaraapa on the Cow Economy[He did his B.Sc. in Business Administration at Syracuse and M.A. in Economics at Columbia University under Prof. Dr. Seligman. His thesis, "Public Finance and our (Indian) Poverty" changed him from an European loyalist to a committed Indian nationalist.]….. I will try explaining it to you of whatever little I know about the cow economy…...Cow economy is basically a concept of using cows as an economic tool all over the country to reduce the inflation and the nuclear wars happening over the earth.
80 % of India live in rural areas and the place where we live consist of only 20 %. This concept is for the greater good. All the capital resources are becoming scarce because of over population and the wars...All these things can stop once ppl start utilizing the cow economy......
Implementing the cow economy might be very difficult. It looks like some weird idea...Sometimes these sort of ideas succeed tremendously.
Who thought that the sweetened water will one day become a global based company.....who thought that ITC e choupal would succeed ….Look at this website
It earned a million dollar for making a website (bhai 5 crores within 4 months)………….It’s all based around pixel advertising and generating big traffic for advertisers. Visitors play for free - all they have to do is click on the ads for chances to win the jackpot. The more they click, the more chances
they have - and the more traffic you receive.
Now coming to the Cow Economy idea...The cow is the foundation of one of the greatest economies in the world.
How the Cow Economy will help the developing countries like India:
1).DEFENCE---Causes of War :
The recent bomb blasts at blore....ahmedabad...etc have some one behind them...who do not want india to flourish....Being centralized in nature the whole India is affected because of the blasts in some city....
Once India becomes decentralized no one would be interested in putting up the bombs....
When we use the cow and cattle wealth as helpers in our production there is a natural limit to the quantity of production in comparison to the state of affairs that ensues when coal or other such resources of power are utilized, on the expenditure of which there can be no natural limit. Thus the self-sufficiency or the measures of it which is attainable in a cow economy is distorted and disturbed when we depart from it. When the quantity of produce increases, markets are to be sought for it. Europe’s hunt for the markets in the last two centuries was motivated by this economic factor; thus as soon as man changed over from animal economy to power economy violence became necessary. They fought with each other for markets. The result was the first World War-when the countries depending upon the coal economy fought with each other for the market areas.
In the cow and the horse-centered economies we have unlimited sources as we could breed as many bullocks and horses as we needed and, therefore, there being no restriction on the amount available, it does not arouse anybody’s greed or jealousy; but coal and petrol being limited in their supply and quantity, uses of such sources of power lead to friction amongst nations as the source dries up. It is now well recognised that these global wars are in no small measure due to different nations seeking to get control over oil fields. Hence the coal and oil economies lead to conflict amongst nations.
2).Fossil Fuels….
In our villages, the traditional cow dung cake along with firewood is the common fuel. In cities like Bombay if electricity or gas is not available, may. be on account of strike or damage to the plants even for a day than what disorder and discontent life hell is created. Then if these 575000 villages are Deprived of their only source of fuel what would be the result? Even the thought is staggering.
Life needs cooked food. For 82% population of India in villages, kerosene gas or electricity is neither available nor within the villager’s means. For them the only economic and easily available fuel is cow dung cakes and firewood. Cow-dung cake ash becomes a very good fertilizer."
The bullock pulls the plough, manures the land by its dung, and feeds itself on the left over stalks of the cereal crops which man consumes.
We have nearly 40 crore acres under the crop. To switch this area over to mechanised farming, we shall need five million tractors against which we have today only a meagre 31000.To make these tractors we will need 30 mm. tons of steel and our annual production of steel is 4.5 min. tons.And as we have during the last 20 years made 12000 locomotives, 0.6 min. trucks and automobiles, what a long span of time shall we need to make the needed five million tractors?
The problem of farming does not solve itself by employing 5 ml. tractors at the cost afore-estimated. No cow, no manure. So we shall need to make fertilizers. Our annual needs would be .40 min. tons (against our fourth Plan target of 1.6 min. tons) of different fertilizers Let us see how cow slaughter has contributed to our spiraling costs and unemployment. Unlimited slaughter of cattle and imported economic policies of the Government have brought about a steep price rise.
On account of the bullock and the manure shortage, our food production per acre Is diminished by stages on one hand and on the other hand, because of the ghee and milk shortage cereal consumption increased. The Imbalance between consumption and supply thus created. resulted In higher and higher prices. An accepted principle of economy is that when food prices rise all
other things and commodities start up the price ladder.
Our agriculture and industry produce about 1,000 mln. tons. This 1,000 mln. tons of commodities have to be transported from fields to factories and from factories to the consuming centres which are spread over this vast areas, and the major bulk of this transport is carried by the bullock.
For transport we have 12.1 min. bullock-carts, 3,58,000 railway wagons and 2,20,000 motor trucks. Obviously, if these 12.1 mln. bullock-carts were to be removed from the operation, our transport and distribution system, and as a result both agriculture and industries and the resultant national life, would be in a chaos, for the reason that the railway carries only 180 mln. tons and trucks only 120 min. tons. whereas the balance 70 per cent, or 700 mln. tons, is carried by the age old bullock-carts. Therefore it will be seen that if this poor bullock is done with either by slaughter or by negligence, nothing but chaos will result.
Slaughter your cow, and your bullock supply is slaughtered.. Neither trucks nor railways can be built up to replace this transport for obvious economic and technical reasons, roads and so on. A farmer grows food in his field If he has bullocks he would bring his produce to city in his cart and therein he incurs no extra expenses. But once we slaughtered bullocks, his produce has to be transported by truck and of course the cost thereof, resulting in higher price of his produce, will be borne.
This is not imagination, it is a fact based on careful study.
To this our city-educated youth may reply- "If the bullock is inefficient, scrap it, and use the tractor and other modern devices." The only difficulty about accepting this advice is that it is impracticable under present conditions. It is of no use telling us what should be done at some future date. We have to face the problems of our people today, and suggest means of improving their condition under present circumstance and within the resources now available to them. Which villager can afford a tractor and other modern agricultural machinery ?
This thesis if seen has got a great impact for India… least this should be implemented in the 82 % of the India…..
NOTE: The thesis on Cow Economy was written by J.C. Kumarappa.This thesis attempts to bring out the most important phase of the basic Indian economy thrown overboard in its stride by the frenzied industrial tempo. Let me state clearly that I am not against industry but most emphatically insist that all industrial development must be in consonance and in conformity with the herein discussed basic Indian economy. Industry should support and not distort this basic cow economy of the country.
PS: Ur comments are welcome. Any doubts or suggestions would help a lot……